Sitting on a goldmine of wealth power & greed makes me want me not go on living but a little voice inside my head says "it's going to get much better for you Kristine..." & it is little Ludwig...
The War is Finally thru! I won it but it was the worst experience of mankind & I retire to a quiet Life here with my Dad unless I hear otherwise... I lived.


I wonder where my True Love is? He sang 2 songs in a row, how beautiful.... I just need his real life embrace just once & I'd live off it for the rest of my life.
Oh, Hi! I'm Kristin. My website is about coffee, Artwork & Culture. Always striving for something new in my life...
Now I am just medetating on the Past week- The Hell Week, the week from hell. It is only getting worse & w orse but with all wounds they hurt A Lot before they heal, I say "things only get worse before they get better," And this time it's only getting worse & worse Ignorance, Brutality are the Cancer of this Culture...
"Shut Up" and Read a Book you hold in your hands & flip the pages with.
God put ME here for some reason. What I am saying Does Matter. Just Speak your mind. That's all.